
Training Message

Welcome to the Register.Find.Reunite. Training Site.

Scheduled maintenance

The Register.Find.Reunite. system will be offline for 5 minutes on Thursday 19th May at 1PM AEST for a scheduled maintenance. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at

Your privacy

Information collected by this service is used by Red Cross, Federal, State or Territory Polices Forces, welfare support agencies and emergency services including airline(s) and airport(s) engaged in the emergency.

The purpose for the collection of your personal information is to:

Information collected by Red Cross, in partnership with commissioning agencies, is used to help people during and after an emergency. Your information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.

Once the purpose for the collection of your personal information no longer exists; Red Cross will de-identify that information.

For more information download our Privacy Collection Notice PDF